Scientific Guidelines

Scientific session submission timeline: mark your calendar

General Guidelines

  1. The presenter must have registered for the 22nd Asia Pacific Implant Society Conference.
  2. Delegates can participate in only one of the following events: Scientific Paper, E-Poster, and Table clinics. They cannot be the chief authors/co-authors for more than one presentation.
  3. All presentations must align with the conference's theme.

Presentation Slots

  1. Student presentations have specific authorship limits: 2 authors for paper presentations, 2 authors for poster presentations, and 2 to 4 authors for table clinics presentations.
  2. Faculty presentations have strict authorship limits only one author for both paper and poster presentations.

Important Dates And Communications

  1. Submission of abstracts for all scientific presentations will commence from November 13th, 2024.
  2. The deadline for abstract submission in all categories by delegates is December 15th, 2024.
  3. The website will display the list of selected student papers, posters, and table clinics, as well as faculty papers and posters, by December 30th, 2024 . No individual communications will be sent.
  4. The deadline for uploading scientific papers, poster presentations (both student and faculty), and entries is December 10th, 2024 .

Information on Abstracts

  1. The structured abstract for all presentations, consisting maximum of 250 words, must be submitted under one of the following categories:
    1. Original Research: Abstracts should include Introduction, objectives, methodology (including statistical methods where applicable), results, and conclusions.
    2. Case Reports: Abstracts should include Introduction, case characteristics (patient’s age, gender, clinical presentation), outcome (diagnosis, treatment), discussion, and conclusion.
    3. Review: Abstracts should include Background, Introduction, discussion, and Conclusion.

    Abstracts of published articles and incomplete research will not be accepted. Submitted abstracts should not have been previously submitted or accepted for any other state, national, or international scientific meetings.

  2. Abstracts containing plagiarism will not be accepted.
  3. Abstracts must be submitted online only. Submissions via email, fax, hard copies, etc., will not be accepted.
  4. All student presentation abstracts must be endorsed with the signature and seal of the Head of Department, specifying the presentation category. Please download the Scientific Presentation Declaration form, complete it, and upload the form using the provided website link.
  5. When submitting an abstract, participants must select the mandatory category of their presentation topic.

Check Points

  1. It is the responsibility of the presenter to carry their presentations on a pen drive in all required formats as standby.
  2. All presentations must include the names of all authors. Names of guiding staff, Head of Department (HOD), or college names should not be mentioned in any presentation format. Including such names will result in disqualification.
  3. The best papers, posters, and table clinics of each session will undergo reassessment by a separate jury if necessary, or presenters may be asked to re-present for consideration for Best Category awards.
  4. Awards for all presentations will be conferred only if both the author and co-author are physically present during the presentation and at the time of the award announcement during the valedictory function.
  5. The decision of the Scientific Committee is final and binding.

Paper Presentation

  1. Free Papers can be submitted with two options: Faculty or Student preferences.
  2. Scientific student paper presentations can have 2 authors (1 presenting and 1 co-author) , while faculty paper presentations are limited to 1 author only.
  3. Both the presenting author and co-author must be physically present for their presentation.
  4. Each presenter will be allocated a maximum of 6 minutes for their presentation, followed by a 2-minute discussion period.
  5. One best paper will be chosen per session. The author and co-author must be present in person to accept the award.

E-poster Presentation

  1. Free e-Posters can be submitted with two options: Faculty or Student preferences.
  2. The title of the e-poster must not exceed 100 characters, including spaces.
  3. Utilize clear headings and ensure adequate spacing between sections. Images and graphics should be of high quality, well-labelled, and described.
  4. Posters should be comprehensible to viewers without verbal explanation. They should feature a well-organized structure and layout with minimal text, ensuring readability from a distance of 5 meters.
  5. Presentations must fit within one PowerPoint slide (Microsoft PowerPoint). The page setup/size should be 16:9, with 1080 resolution, a maximum size of 2Mb, in JPEG format, and in landscape orientation. Avoid using slide transitions, animation files, movies, or sound links in the presentation.
  6. Each presenter will be allotted a maximum of 3 minutes for their presentation, followed by a 2-minute discussion period.
  7. One best poster will be chosen per session. The author and co-author must be present in person to accept the award.

Download Declaration form

Contact Details

Scientific Grievances Redressal

1. Free Papers

Dr. Namratha Umesh / Dr. Prajna Shetty
+91 9880822622 / +91 9880200298

2. Posters

Dr. Deepa Jayashankar / Dr. Pooja Prakash
+91 9845105953 / +91 9902593764


  1. Any copyright infringement or conflicts of interest are solely the responsibility of the authors or content creators. the organizing committee of the 22nd Asia Pacific Implant Society Conference 2025 are not affiliated with such content, do not endorse it, and disclaim any liability arising from its use or interpretation.
  2. By submitting scientific content to the 22nd APISCON 2025 conference, delegates grant necessary copyrights for its reuse in appropriate forums and publications. Please note that the organizing committee's decisions are final and binding in all circumstances.

Note: Registration is mandatory for all presenters.